Liz Gebhardt Liz Gebhardt

Part 3 - The New Brand Builders: Digital Influencers and Creators Take Control of Their Economic Destiny. Brands Should Take Notice.

Today’s digitally-native influencers and creators bear little resemblance to the more naïve YouTube stars of a decade ago – not only in terms of the growth of their highly engaged global audiences, but in their brand and community-building savvy. This is changing the ways they are considering engagements with brands and in building their own brand presence.

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Liz Gebhardt Liz Gebhardt

Part 2 - The New Brand Builders: Paid Mercenary or Energized Investor? Artists, Athletes, and Their New Relationship with Brands

The lessons of equity participation in the entertainment industry, the transparent versus performative aspects of social platforms, and the unique phenomena of parasocial relationships have cracked open the door for a new kind of values and outcome-driven relationship between iconic artists-athletes and brands. If they understand the source and nature of these three forces, both individuals and companies can design new forms of engagement and deal structure.

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